Barons To Bloggers

Confronting Media Power

Jonathan Mills
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Barons To Bloggers


31 May 2013



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Melbourne University Press

Barons To Bloggers

Confronting Media Power

Jonathan Mills
Whatever one thinks of Rupert Murdoch or his ethics, when a mogul of his stature stands on a public platform and predicts the end of God-like media figures telling people what's important, you begin to realise that there's something seismic going on in the world of communications. Seismic, but unpredictable -Eric Beecher, Publisher, Media power is undergoing a massive transformation. Is the Internet undermining the authority of traditional news institutions? And will it fulfil our expectations of greater democracy? In a provocative and incisive debate, Barons to Bloggers brings together prominent international and Australian media commentators to examine what is shaping up to become the radical upheaval of the old hierarchies of news and opinion. Contributors: Lance Knobel, former Program Director, World Economic Forum Jay Rosen, Associate Professor of Journalism, New York University Donald McDonald, Chairman, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Eric Beecher, Publisher, Guy Rundle, writer and Executive Producer,…
Whatever one thinks of Rupert Murdoch or his ethics, when a mogul of his stature stands on a public platform and predicts the end of God-like media figures telling people what's important, you begin to realise that there's something seismic going on in the world of communications. Seismic, but unpredictable. -Eric Beecher, Publisher, Media power is undergoing a massive transformation. Is the Internet undermining the authority of traditional news institutions? And will it fulfil our expectations of greater democracy? In a provocative and incisive debate, Barons to Bloggers brings together prominent international and Australian media commentators to examine what is shaping up to become the radical upheaval of the old hierarchies of news and opinion. Contributors: Lance Knobel, former Program Director, World Economic Forum Jay Rosen, Associate Professor of Journalism, New York University Donald McDonald, Chairman, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Eric Beecher, Publisher, Guy Rundle, writer and Executive Producer, ABC TV Margo Kingston, political commentator and Editor, SMH's Webdiary Andrew Clark, Australian Financial Review journalist, former Editor, Sun-Herald

Jonathan Mills

Jonathan Mills is a composer who studied under Peter Sculthorpe. He was a research fellow and composer-in-residence at RMIT University, Melbourne 1992–97 and adjunct professor at RMIT 1998–2003. From 1988 to 2003 he was the artistic director of music festivals in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. He was Vice-Chancellor's (Professorial) Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Director of the Alfred Deakin Lectures and an artistic advisor to the Melbourne Recital Centre (including Elisabeth Murdoch Hall). From…


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