Cannon Fire
A Life in Print
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Cannon Fire
A Life in Print
- Ebook$25.99 $25.99 $25.99 $25.99 $25.99
A Life in Print
A Life in Print
Tell me, young man, are you a c-c-communist?
Michael Cannon is one of those figures whose books, mainly acquired second-hand, began multiplying on my shelves almost without my being aware of who he was. The first of his I owned, The Land Boomers, contained no biographical information at all about its author. His trilogy of Australia in the Victorian Age offered cursory references to decades as a “journalist and historian”; likewise his six edited volumes of the Historical Records of Victoria. Only That Disreputable Firm, his history of plaintiff lawyers Slater & Gordon, included an image: a close-cropped dust-jacket photo, passport-style, revealing a genial face with a salt-and-pepper beard.