Henry Lawson

The Man and the Legend

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Henry Lawson


31 August 1991



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Melbourne University Press

Henry Lawson

The Man and the Legend

Manning Clark intimately reconstructs Lawson's agonising, and ultimately unsuccessful search for fulfilment of genius and happiness.
Henry Lawson was a deeply divided man. He was a soul burdened with an insatiable craving for love, a combative spirit with impossible hopes that mankind might sort itself our. Yet, he openly loathed huge sections of humanity and sang the blessings of war. Manning Clark intimately reconstructs Lawson's agonising, and ultimately unsuccessful search for fulfilment of genius and happiness. The great irony is that Lawson's poetry inspired the feeling that life was worth living.
Henry Lawson was a deeply divided man. He was a soul burdened with an insatiable craving for love, a combative spirit with impossible hopes that mankind might sort itself our. Yet, he openly loathed huge sections of humanity and sang the blessings of war. Manning Clark intimately reconstructs Lawson's agonising, and ultimately unsuccessful search for fulfilment of genius and happiness. The great irony is that Lawson's poetry inspired the feeling that life was worth living.
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