Adelaide Writers’ Week: WTF Australia?

Five Prime Ministers in five years. A Government unable to govern.  Former leaders sniping from the sidelines. Preference-whispering electing Senators with the merest skerrick of support.   Formerly respected institutions revealed to be rife with base corruption and criminal self-interest. WTF is going on?  Crikey’s Bernard Keane (The Mess We’re In), The Guardian’s Katharine Murphy (On Disruption) and George Megalogenis (The Football Solution) explain.

Free event, more info here.


5 March 2019, 3:45pm


Adelaide Writers’ Week

West Stage, Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden, King William Rd, Adelaide



5 March 2019, 3:45pm


Adelaide Writers’ Week
West Stage, Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden, King William Rd, Adelaide