Run For Your Life: Meet Bob Car at ANU
Bob Carr will be speaking about his new book, Run for Your Life. Tearing up the rules on political memoirs.
From growing up in a fibro house without sewerage and a 'lousy education' that produced a lifetime appetite for self-learning. He is candid about dealing with the media, dining with royals, working for Kerry Packer.
He reveals the secrets he learnt from Neville Wran. He is open about his adulation of Gough Whitlam. Floating above all is Bob Carr's idea of public service in a party, he says, that resembles an old, scarred, barnacled whale. In an era of bland politicians, here's one with personality true to his quirky self.
All author proceeds from this book are donated to help the children displaced by the Syrian civil war by funding humanitarian aid through the registered charity Australia for UNHCR.
Pre-event book signing will be available from 5.30pm and again after the event. This event is in association with Dymocks Canberra and books wll be available to purchase. Register to reserve your spot now.
Professor the Hon Bob Carr was the longest continuously serving Premier in the history of New South Wales. He then entered the federal Senate in 2012 and served as Australia's Foreign Minister for eighteen months. Since leaving politics Bob has led a distinguished career as an author and academic. He is the director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at UTS.
This event will be chaired by Emeritus Professor John Warhurst AO, who has been a regular columnist for The Canberra Timess since 1998. John has co-edited significant books on Australian politics including The Howard Agenda, Keeping the Bastards Honest: The Australian Democrats' First Twenty Years and The Machine: Labour Confronts the Future. John was Chairman of the Australian Republican Movement 2002-2005.

4 July 2018, 6:00pm
Australia National University
Coombs Lecture Theatre

📅4 July 2018, 6:00pm
Australia National University
Coombs Lecture Theatre