Sam Dastyari in conversation with Amanda Dunn at AliQapu

Join MUP and Eltham Bookshop for a night of feasting & fabulous yarns with Senator Sam Dastyari ALP and Amanda Dunn, politics and society editor for The Conversation.

As his life, Sam Dastyari's memoir is unexpected and unorthodox. This is the man who introduced Pauline Hanson to the halal snack pack and accountability to big banks. One Halal of a Story is a no-holds-barred look at the good and bad of family and politics.

Amanda Dunn's The New Puberty tackles the complex questions about a new age of puberty for parents and teachers of school-aged children through the latest research and expert analysis.

Cost: $ 120.00 per couple, $75.00 for singles. Price includes one signed copy of One Halal or a $25.00 gift voucher, a Persian banquet and a special encounter with Sam Dastyari and Amanda Dunn.

Prepaid early bookings are essential: 03 9439 8700 or email
They accept credit cards over the phone.


20 September 2017, 6:30pm


Ali Qapu Persian Restaurant

420 Thompsons Rd, Templestowe Lower VIC



20 September 2017, 6:30pm


Ali Qapu Persian Restaurant
420 Thompsons Rd, Templestowe Lower VIC