SWF: Whose ABC?

The ABC is about to turn 90, yet seldom has the public broadcaster seen such controversy: public spats, budget cuts, accusations of bias, political pressure and leadership tensions. Sally Warhaft talks to On Us author and former ABC managing director Mark Scott (in a rare appearance discussing the broadcaster), On Aunty author and former Media Watch host Jonathan Holmes, host of ABC podcast Download This Show and co-anchor on SBS VICELAND’s The Feed Marc Fennell and journalist Margaret Simons about Michelle Guthrie’s dismissal and why the broadcaster must adapt to survive a new era of media.  

Book here.


4 May 2019, 1:30pm



Carriageworks, Bay 17 245 Wilson Street Eveleigh NSW 2015



4 May 2019, 1:30pm


Carriageworks, Bay 17 245 Wilson Street Eveleigh NSW 2015