Custom Books

MUP Custom is a comprehensive service for private clients with funds to support the publication of their work. Using recognised expertise and resources, MUP Custom can help you with all your publishing needs including:
- organisational and corporate histories
- biographies
- custom designed annual reports
- manuals and handbooks
- online publishing
At MUP we offer the highest industry professionalism and have at our disposal the resources to suit a diverse range of projects.
The Custom Advantage
Based on your financial contribution, MUP Custom can tailor any publication to your needs both in terms of presentation and content. Your project will be expertly managed by our Custom Publishing Manager, who will maintain close contact and provide expert advice throughout the publishing process.
The MUP Brand
We understand the importance and power of branding. Your publication will carry the imprimatur of MUP, indicating a prestigious partnership with MUP and the University of Melbourne. Talk to our Custom Publishing Manager about the range of imprint options for your project.
If you wish to discuss your options, please contact us at (03) 9035 3333 or email MUP Custom.
Please note that MUP Custom provides end-to-end publishing solutions, taking a project through all stages of production, and does not provide printing services alone.